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Area Map For 2024 Repeater Roundup PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Monday, 16 September 2024 16:36


Here's a map of all the repeater location for the 2024 Repeater Roundup.  Map is courtesy of Rob McCray, KN4VZR, of the Tuscaloosa ARC.

2024 Repeater Roundup November 9 PDF Print E-mail

The Magnolia ARC will host the 2024 Repeater Roundup on November 9, 2024, from 7AM to 7PM. All call signs are welcome to participate; club membership is NOT required to take part.

Three files have been uploaded to the FILES section of the Magnolia ARC Facebook page, and these are the files you will need to download and print. They are Instructions, Log Sheet, and Repeater List. The link to the files page can be found here: The files can also be found at the bottom of this article.  (Click "Read more" below to see the rest of the article.)

Mississippi Parks On The Air Saturday, May 18 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Monday, 13 May 2024 00:00

Area 51 Radio Group and Jackson County Amateur Radio Association are working with Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, & Parks (MDWFP) to promote public awareness of amateur radio and Mississippi's State Park system. There are 21 State Parks in Mississippi that are registered with Parks on the Air (POTA). It would be awesome if we are able to activate all 21 parks on the same day during the same time period!

We need help from Ham Radio Operators to make this happen. Please consider signing up for a time to activate a Mississippi State Park on Saturday, May 18, 2024 between the hours of 9:00 am - 6:00 pm CDT. We are looking for activators willing to work a morning shift or an afternoon shift.

Email This e-mail address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it to SIGN UP to Activate a park.

For more information, visit MSPOTA Mississippi Parks on the Air

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 14 May 2024 10:18 )
N5OMK Named Lifetime Member Of MARC PDF Print E-mail
Saturday, 20 April 2024 10:43

K5BAK presents lifetime membership to N5OMKSteve Akers, N5OMK, was recently presently with a singular recognition, a framed certificate naming him as a Lifetime Member of the Magnolia Amateur Radio Club.

Steve is well known in North Mississippi as an avid supporter of amateur radio, so much so that his semi-official nickname is "The Supreme Net Commander".  Steve spent many years serving as net control for the MSU W5YD weekly net, and currently serves as net control for the twice-monthly Backporch Net (first and third Sunday nights) on the K5DY Maben repeater.

Steve is a second generation ham radio operator.  His father was Jim Akers, W5VZF, who was a mainstay of the amateur radio community in North Mississippi for decades.

Steve is an avid CW operator, and checks in daily on CW nets around the nation.

Congratulations to N5OMK, and our club's appreciation for your lifetime of service to local amateur radio.

(Photo: MARC Club President Doug Camp, K5BAK, presents certificate to Steve akers, N5OMK.)

Last Updated ( Saturday, 20 April 2024 11:02 )
New 2M Antenna Installed on Maben Fire Tower PDF Print E-mail
Monday, 24 April 2023 20:20

Maben Fire Tower 2M AntennaOn April 15, 2023 the Magnolia Amateur Radio Club held an "Antenna Party", and renovated the 2M repeater antenna on the Maben Fire Tower.    This involved taking down the old, non-functional antenna, and installing a new, folded dipole at the top of the tower.

Club members were onsite from before 9 AM until mid-afternoon.  High winds and threats of lightning hampered some of the progress, but all the work was finished except for the actual antenna install.  That was completed April 22.

About a dozen club members took part in the event.  New steps were installed on the tower, platforms were repaired, and new hardline was pulled up the tower.   The old antenna was lowered using a rope and pulley system devised by AD5HM.

The frequency is 147.315, tone 110.9.

Click "Read More" below left to see the photos.



2022 Christmas Gathering PDF Print E-mail
Wednesday, 14 December 2022 17:19

2022 Magnolia ARC Christmas PartyEach year the Magnolia Amateur Radio Club gathers for a Christmas season dinner.  This year we got together on December 8 at La Terraza Mexican Restaurant, and we had a ball.   About 25 folks filled up multiple tables.

First item on the agenda was dinner, and as usual, the food was really good.  We were honored to have as our guest Kristen Campanella, Oktibbeha County Director of Emergency Management and E911.  That's probably not her exact title, but it's what she does, and she does it well.

After dinner, each person attending got to take home a "Junk Box Starter Kit".   These were 4" x 4" x 8" boxes full of plugs, sockets, code keys, fuses, LEDs, and other stuff every ham needs to have on hand.  Each person also received a color wall chart of the ham bands, as well as a large grid chart.

This was followed by Dirty Santa, which saw a lot of really cool gifts exchanged.  Tanya (K5BAK XYL) couldn't attend, but she sent beautiful 2022 club Christmas ornaments to the meeting, enough for each family to take one home.  Our club is blessed to have a craftsman with Tanya's skills as part of our group.

Angela, KI5SAG, made packages of Christmas cookies and cards for each ham and distributed those.   She also arranged a special gift for Doug, K5BAK, to show her appreciation for the hard work he puts into keeping our club active and well-organized.


Click "Read more" below to see the rest of this article.

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 14 December 2022 18:05 )
Magnolia ARC Christmas Gathering, 2022 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Saturday, 26 November 2022 11:55

La Terraza meetingThe Magnolia Amateur Radio Club will get together at 6:00 PM, December 8, at La Terrazza Mexican Restaurant in Starkville for our December meeting.

Getting together for a Mexican dinner is a tradition for the Magnolia ARC, and this year promises to be a great gathering.   The pandemic is over around here, gas prices have come down a bit, and it's just plain old time to gather for a meal.

K5RFL has set up a sign-up list (the restaurant needs to plan with semi-accurate numbers), so please take a moment to click the link below and register your plans to attend.   You can come whether you sign up or not, but signing up always yields a better-planned meeting.

Click here to register!

Last Updated ( Saturday, 26 November 2022 12:08 )
November, 2022 Breakfast Meeting PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Saturday, 12 November 2022 11:00

Our regular monthly meeting was rescheduled this month (November, 2022), and held in the front yard of Steve, N5OMK.

Andrew (AD5HM) set up his portable grill on the sidewalk, and cooked bacon, eggs, sausage, and pancakes.  Other members brought pigs in a blanket, fruit salad, grits, and sausage biscuits.  N5OMK kept the hot coffee flowing.

El Presidente Doug, K5Bak, presented Angela (KI5SAG) with her ARRL Emergency Coordinator name plate for being the Winston County's new EC.  Several XYLs and even a pair of twin cuties showed up for a hot breakfast on a chilly morning.

In the photo at the left, N5MPC Andy offers AD5HM Andrew some advice on how to do a better job on the sausage. A total of 19 folks showed up to fellowship and dine al fresco this morning.

Click "Read more" under the photo to see more photos of the morning.


Last Updated ( Sunday, 04 December 2022 22:06 )
Sign Up For A Dish To Bring On October 15 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 07 October 2022 15:44

The Magnolia ARC is hosting a family-reunion style buffet lunch at noon on October 15.  Over 100 ARRL members from across the state are expected to attend, so we're going to need some members to bring dishes to serve!

Good ideas for dishes that everyone loves and are easy to make include chili, soup, cornbread, cole slaw, potato salad, baked beans, etc.  You get the idea, the same sort of food you'd expect to find at a good Southern family reunion.

To get your name on the food list, just click here.

Mississippi ARRL Statewide Meeting October 15 PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 07 October 2022 15:28

The ARRL Mississippi Section statewide Meeting will be held in McKee Park in Starkville, MS on October 15, 2022.   The gathering begins at 8:00 AM on Saturday (October 15), and will wrap up around 2:00 PM.

The time between 8:00 and noon is mostly informal, consisting of eyeball QSOs, coffee, tailgating, and rag chewing.   Lunch will be at noon, and the Magnolia ARC is serving a family reunion style, home-made buffet lunch.  The annual business meeting will take place at 1:00, and everyone should be free to leave by around 2:00.

Easy and Inexpensive G5RV Antenna Construction PDF Print E-mail
Written by Administrator   
Monday, 02 September 2019 19:37

G5RV Center Insulator


Back in 2015 we published a pretty thorough guide on building a G5RV HF antenna for $15 or less.

That article has been updated after the antenna has been in use for a year and a half.

Visit this link to read the article.

Last Updated ( Monday, 02 September 2019 20:08 )
Using the Icom IC-735 for FT-8 E-mail
Written by AG5ND   
Wednesday, 01 May 2019 14:28

iCOM ic-735DISCLAIMER: I am not a tech wizard.  The article that follows is a description of that I did to make FT-8 and rig control work with my IC-735 radio.  Your results may differ.  Many thanks to Dale Sharpen whop helped me over the last hurdle, and the tech folks at MFJ.

The Icom IC-735 is perfectly capable of handling FT-8.  The key to getting it done is, I think, starting small and simple and not installing too many accessory software packages.  It's easy to get overwhelmed in all the software that can be added.  This starts you at square one.

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